Splitting Hive on Sunday, A couple of Questions

Started by Shizzell, April 20, 2007, 10:58:54 PM

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Alright, Sunday is the big day. Splitting. I have a few questions however.

We are around 3 weeks for the big flow, however they are collecting a lot of pollen at the moment.
Last year I didn't take any of their honey, due to they swarmed (First year having them, and they swarmed 2 months after I had them!)
Two weeks ago I checked in on them, I saw on almost every frame half full of brood, and about a fourth capped honey.
I didn't get to see any eggs due to the hurry to close it, it was around 50 degrees out. I'm sure there was eggs.
Currently its supposed to be 80 F and rainy tommorow, Sunday 75 F and cloudy.

I plan on:
-Taking 4 middle frames (half full of brood) of the top hive chamber (10 frames total), and putting them into a brand new hive with no other frames built except for the old ones from the original hive.
- Letting them raise their old queen, even though I see no queen cells, that shouldn't be a problem if there are eggs correct? ( Queens are getting really pricey! 30 bucks including shipping at rossmans  :shock: )
- Putting 4 new frames that aren't built yet and putting them in the middle slots of the original frames.
- Feed them 2:1 syrup to water ratio.
- Put a entrance reducer on (1 bee thick).

So my questions:
- How should I set my new hive by the other one? I want them to be parallel to each other ( Facing both south, So they look nice  ;) ) but I read that its not the best thing to do because of the moving back to the original colony.
- Is letting them raise their own queen, if there are eggs present fine?
- Should I take more bees than what is on the frames I'm putting in, and brush them into the new hive?
- 3 weeks before the flow is a good time to split right?
- Any other recommendations would be nice.

Thanks everyone,


Go to Michael Bush's page and read about splits I did what he said it worked great I made two splits put each one faceing the hive I split it from right next to it.If you read his Data on Splits you can do the one that works for you

"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon