baggie feeders - can you put a tray under?

Started by Bee1, April 28, 2007, 05:02:07 PM

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 Regarding Baggie Feeders:  Can I put them on a tray vs lay them on the frame tops? Placing the baggie on a shallow (plastic) tray would allow me to move or remove the bags with minium spillage even if they are not empty. 

The reason I ask is that being a new beekeeper I want to check on the bees relatively frequently (once a week maybe until I get the hang of things), and I now realize that the baggies will dictate or complicate the visits.  Today, for example, the bags were nearly empty however still difficult to remove without spilling the syrup. . 

Bee1 with all Stings of the Universe.


Should not be a big deal, but They may glue the pan down anyway. There really isn't a good way to deal with the bag issue. That is one of the reasons most don't use them anymore.


take the bags off, put an inner cover and a Jar feeder on with an extra super to house it.
Sugarbush Bees