Doing a cut out of an AHB swarm

Started by Tropic, May 07, 2007, 10:52:49 PM

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I am having a problem doing the logistics of undertaking a cut out of an AHB swarm that has lodged within a hollow about eight feet off ground in a tropical hardwood tree. There are actually four such AHB sites in about the same conditions within the area and since they are creating havoc among the farm animals and the general public in general, I am trying to save them from the planned fire treatment that the locals are planning for them this next weekend. First, should I attack the problem at night or in the very early morning? Then, since I am sure they will be with full honey comb, brood and bad attitude, will it be of any use trying to locate the Queen? I have beesuits, gloves, chainsaw, wood working tools, heavy smokers, boxes and two very brave bee protected helpers and am ready to go. Apart from the obvious problems with the bees, the tree is full of thorns and the hollow(s) are also known to be occupied by poison snakes and scorpions. This looks as if it might be fun ... or?


I had bees in the 70's in Utah they were so mean the neighboors said they would chse his duck's.This is before AHB in the U S.I had to re-queen some of them.It was difficult to work these few hives .If I would have been able to read Michael Bush's site in 1970 it would of saved me alot of grief.He has a section how to handle a hot hive.The bees you are talking about have already been labeled a
problem by the locals if you rescue them they will be a liability for you.A cut out can really be a lot of work and if they are agressive and mean it is really hard.I think the return you might get wouldn't measure up to the gain.But it is your call
if you do re-queen But read Michael Bush's site for sure
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


You are headed in the right direction.
1. Wear your suit and gloves.
2. Smoke the bees heavily.
3. If you can get a sprayer and fill it sugar water. Make sure it is cold. There will be less bees flying if you spray them with cold sugar water.
4. No matter how much you smoke them when you start with the chainsaw they are going to go after the chainsaw and your hands. Make sure your hands and wrists are protected.
5. Be prepared for this to take several hours.
6. There will be nooks and crannies you won't be able to reach.
7. It is very unlikely you will catch the queen. You should requeen anyway.
8. Have fun.
9. Take pictures.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Tropic, I have yet to deal with AHBs but I have dealt with very hot bees before. Do you have to remove the bees very soon? Will the locals allow you time to requeen and set up a new hive that you can remove in say a week? If its a situation where disturbing this hive will interfere with people and animals in the direct vicinity, you may want to do it at night, but remember that bees don't like to be fooled with at night and you will have limited light to work with. If I could I would remove them in the day time, in the morning, find the queen, kill her, introduce new queen (in queen cage of course) and let things take its course. If its a big hive you may want to split it and make two hives. Good luck use lots of smoke and lots of protection.
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Brendhan ... thank you for giving me some assurance that this might work. I am taking every precaution and already have four queens to replace the AHB grand dama ... I will definitely be taking photos of this operation and record its progress, success or failure. I am definitely going to use your suggestion of cold sugar water and spray them thougherly. Considering all the other cut outs I have done in the past and hive collections ...this is definitely looking like being my biggest challenge. I have decided also to do this in the early morning to give me better light and so not be surprised by any other resident tree hole critters that might decide to join the malé. One resident has already suggested just lighting a stick of dynamite, throw it in the hole and we all go drink some beer and forget the high drama of this particular cut out.


JP ... I am now going to do the deed in the very early morning, at dawn if possible. It is hoped that considering the size of this hive, it can be split. The hive has been in this tree now for over two months awaiting my arrival to remove it to an apiary that is being established some five miles away.


If the entrance point is not very large, a bee vac might come in handy, to get the numbers down, of course you would need a generator to run it depending on how remote the location is. Very interested to see how you make out as we don't have AHB settled in our area yet, but I know it won't be long before I will have to fool with AHB myself. Like the cold sugar water idea Brendhan suggested. Its gonna be a challenge, wish you the best of luck! Lots of smoke!
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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