My young queens are starting to lay

Started by tom, May 16, 2007, 01:29:38 PM

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  I went into the last swarm that i caught that was headed by one of my own young virgins. So i got to thinking how about helping them out by giving them some brood and a comb of honey and pollen so i went into two of my strong hives and took a frame of each out both frames were full with brood. And then i saw her walking around so i took out a frame that was in there and i found eggs. Then i went to my other hive that i gave a queen cell to and she looks like she is ready to pop any time now so i am guessing in the next day or two she will be laying but the hive was so full of honey and pollen i took one frame out and gave it to my weak swarm and replaced it with a empty frame of foundation so when they draw that out she will have more room to lay i hope i did right.



Congrats Tom, It sounds like you did just fine.

Good Idea with the transfer of brood.




  I raised these myself to see how they would do and if they would be good bees like the old queen i had. Some of them turned out the color of the mother who was carniolan and three came out looking like thier drone dad which is a cordovan italian which the old queen was bred to. I did flood my yard with both NWC drones and drones from the cross so i am hoping now to see how they will perform and then i have three packages of caucasians coming and i am going to throw that blood line into my yard and see how they do.

Tom :-D


Interesting... maybe we could have fashion shows. Like dogs, except with bees...

"Wow that posture on the carnolian purebred is just perfect! I'ed give it a 10"

