Hive opening

Started by Potlicker1, May 31, 2007, 08:27:03 PM

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Ok I have my boxes sitting on the bottom board but I'm concerned I have the board upside down. Should the opening be with the small or 3/8th inch side up or can I flip it and use the larger opening? Is there a problem using the larger opening? I'm afraid I'll have to restack my hives.


If your hives are sufficiently established, and the temperature is not too cold, use the larger opening. Set the hive cover on the ground, move the brood boxes on top, then flip the bottom board, and replace. The bigger opening is for the summer, and the smaller for the winter. If your bees are not established, use the bigger opening with an entrance reducer.
"The mouth of a perfectly contented man is filled with beer." - Egyptian Proverb, 2200 BC


My bees are nucs installed 3 days ago. I have one with a small opening and two with the larger. I do have reducers on all three. I was told to put reducers on till they build up. I feel alittle better about it now. Thanks for the advice. :)