How much to sell honey for?

Started by newbee07, June 05, 2007, 01:15:09 AM

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I was wondering if anyone would be willing to tell me a breakdown of pricing of honey i can sell. I have 4oz. 8oz. 12oz. and 16oz. jars.
All i have now is extra light. I will have amber coming soon it looks like. I just want to be reasonable on the pricing.


I do 12oz for $3.00
I do mason jars with comb for $10.00

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Regular honey with out comb, $4 a lb. across the board till you get to 5 lb. Depending on color, $15 to 18 for 5 lbs.
That is $3 for 12 oz $2 for 8 oz.
Just remember a mason pint holds 20 oz not 16. So a quart would be 2 1/2 lbs."48 oz"
$4.50 per pint, $9 a quart.
This is my price 24/7.


12 oz bear $4    1lb jar $5    2lb jar or bear $9  qaurt jar $12    1lb comb $6                                                                                      I am the most resonable honey vender at the farmmarket circute. I know pepole that get 10bucks a pound or wont sell it. premium honey sells it self no problem.just need the right clintel.


My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Wow, you guys sell for much less than some people around here do.  We're not selling honey yet, but some of our fellow club members are getting $5.00 for eight ounces, and $8.00 a pound.  Seriously!

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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Same down here. I haven't sold any, but a local health store wants to buy anything I have from my hive and what appears to be good pricing. The owner says she can sell one lb of totally unfiltered, as untouched as possible honey to specific customers for $13/lb. The owner says she can't get local bee products w/in a few miles of her store which is what she wants. Talk is cheap and time will tell....
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


Last yr. I sold all I wanted for $5.00 a pint ( mason jars ) with or without comb.  This yr. I have 1 lb. queenline type jars, they'll be $5.00 each or two for $9.00 with hanging tags.  I found that people like to read the nutritional information on the tags - I think they have some recipes on them also.

Check this high dollar honey out....$200 a kilo....


I just sold some 8oz. jars today no problem for 6.00 a jar and some 4 oz. for 3.00. The subject that kroger only sells off the wall honey comes up and that helps tremendously. Plus the color. And it is bottled in plain fruit jars no label yet. I may consider going down who knows.


selling Honey and keeping bees have one thing in comon LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION :lol:


I agree with the location thing. As presentable as you can be, go to one of the richer town's fairs in your location or distribute through stores. Richer people tend to have more cash to throw around.

In psychology class my teacher told a story of a women who attended a seminar on hypnotizing people. She now runs a "clinic" to find hidden past lives in people and hasn't made less than $200,000 a year since.

I would be selling my honey but my family give it all away to our friends and relatives. I'm usually left with 11 jars of 40 to do nothing with. I imagen they'd go for at least $5.

What is your sales pitch when selling it? I have people come up to me and say "Well the grocery store is selling it for $2.95, what makes your honey so special." The only things I can think of is well it helps with allergies, and isn't pasteurized. I don't really understand what Pasteurizing is, I know in other foods it supposedly removes toxins and disease but why is it bad for honey?

Scott Derrick

I charge $10.00 per quart and $7.00 for a pint and I can't keep the stuff. I typically watch the prices in the ABJ and price accordingly.
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"You're born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately, there's a loophole."
                                              Billy Graham


Pasteurization is a process of heating something to a certain temperature for a certain amount of time to kill any pathogens that might live there.  In honey this would be mostly for the botulinum bacteria and possibly for some yeasts.  The botulinum is why you aren't supposed to feed honey to babies, it won't usually affect an adult.

However, pasteurization also breaks down some of the delicate properties of honey and forms some other chemicals.  One other chemical, THB?, won't hurt humans but is poison to bees, and is considered a bad thing in honey.  It also forms naturally over time.   Heating will also destroy flavor.  I don't think that most honey is pasteurized, since most little beasties don't grow in honey.

I sell 12oz honeybear for $3 and a quart (46 oz) for $7.  I think my quarts are under priced, but my market is mostly larger families and I want to keep it something that they are willing to buy and use regularly.  It may take a while to build up a clientele, but within a year or two you shouldn't have any problem getting rid of it.



How many of you have more dark honey than light? And do you have a hard time selling.
90% of mine is dark,"Poplar" blend.
I need to find some where to sell dark bulk.


For my area it seems I get more light honey when I harvest in mid June and much darker honey later in the season.


I get all my harvest by mid July. Any thing after that stays on for the bees winter feed.
This year I may get through a little sooner than that.


My sales pitch is , Well  can you go out there and get the honey from my bees without being stung and extract it to then be bottled with gas at 3.00 a gallon and it be pure local honey not that off the wall who knows where brand, can you do all that for less than the price i can sell it to you for. The answer is always no i would'nt even mess with the bees. "SOLD".  But i also work in a parts store with lots of farmers coming in all day. And i have no problem selling mine. I was offered 29.00 for a 1 1/2 lb. jar of light today. But didn't take it because i can't gouge people.


How much does the jar add to the value of the honey? This year I'm going with upside down honey jars from Better Bee. The idea is they sit on the lid so the honey doesn't take forever to drip down when the bottle is half full or less, similar to ketchup bottles these days. That's about an added dollar to the price I think.


most people ask for the darkest i have they think it has more flavor. after i get the taster spoon in there mouth it dosent mater they are just standing there with a BIG SMILE on there face. try and hook up with a bakery they are good for a bucket a week.i try to keep wholesal down to a minumum. my prices are to low to start with. i sell my crop any way. that extra buck looks better in my wallet than theres.     RDY-B


What are you guys geting for honeystix :lol: igive them away @5 for a Dollar :-D