Lion's Ear -- an alternative to cannibas??????

Started by Cindi, June 05, 2007, 01:58:20 AM

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Well, was I shocked when I googled this plant that I am growing this year.  I have planted out about 12 of them.  I chose them because on my search for bee plants, this was one that was highly acclaimed.

It is known to me by the seed catalogue as Lion’s Ear, Lion’s Tail, Motherwort, latin  Leonotis leonurus.  The flower looked absolutely intriguing, so I have propogated it.

Now when I googled this plant this evening to find out more about it, I was shocked!!!  This plant sounds like it is a very mild substitute for cannibas.  Hmmm…..anyways, I thought I would give the site to anyone that may be interested in looking at the plant that I am growing many of.  Definitely will be taking pictures of it for you all to see when the plant sets bud and flowers.  It is very beautiful from what I can see.  Maybe we'll have to get into dehydrating more than we already do.  Have a wonderful day, best of life, love the life you’re livin’.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Hmmm, this has potential.

Does it show up in a drug test?


The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


That would probably depend of what the active ingredient is.  If it's THC I'm sure it would.


Get those rolly papers out and let us know the results!


I grew them a couple years ago.  Very interesting flower, yes the bees like them, even though there isn't a terrible lot of flower material present at any point.  They are in the mint family and smell quite minty.  They grow rather tall and large, and when the flower is done can be very spikey and painful if you aren't careful.

Never occured to me to smoke it though....



How bout mixing a little in the smoker. a little for you a little for the bees, everyone happy! :-D
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Just wait till the ministers of sin pick up on this one. No small wonder the little critters like it.


I grow it here, ants like it too...tolerates drought conditions very nicely..


Although it isn't hardy for me, I grow Leonotis nepetifolia every year.  It's a wonderful accent plant in the garden.  I did know of its 'powers', however, I have never partaken - of that particular plant  :evil:

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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a lot of plants have some sort of substance that effects human in a...menthal way

my mom grows this plants every year-visual purpuse only
i have hear that you have to..hmm not sure, chew the seeds or boil them or something. either are gonna have a blast, unless you die :evil:

this should not be considered as talking anyone into using dangerous substances.


I've never, ever heard of any 'powers' attributed to the castor bean plant other than it's poisonous!  I wouldn't advise trying it at all.  It's a lovely plant in the garden, though!

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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You also need a lot. 8grams per use according to article. Lots of harsh smoke.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


8 grams isn't THAT much. Atleast if you can grow it yourself.

I think i may just try this...



Let's see.... 8 grams is roughly a quarter ounce - that according to Cops on Fox-TV is a Philly Blunt. Now, I can't imagine doing anything that would irratate your throat in that quanity, especially for a MILD effect compared to cannibis.

There use to be something called Kathmandu Temple Kiff, pretty sure it's still around - it also gives a mild buzz but has extreme heat and harsh smoke - so I've heard. It sold for about 1/4th of the real thing with 1/10th of the effects.

Honestly, it sounds like people killing themselves by burning their lungs out rather than submit themselves with the real thing which I have great belief in for medical (not to mention recreational) reasons. Seeing both parents die of cancer, and with my Mom in chronic pain for years - I had always wished I had the kind of relationship where I could mention pot as a medical aid to help deal with her slow and painful death.

I don't advocate the use, I just recognise the effects and the hypocrazy of our government with the laws against personal use - meanwhile we have endless access to alcohol which destroys the lives of millions each year.
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I saw a kid with a bag of those flowers at a party.  He said he would give them to me, but I didn't know what they were at the time.  Would have taken them if I did  :-D
My Photos!

Takin' care of beesnus.

Dane Bramage

Quote from: beemaster on June 05, 2007, 05:24:51 PM
...I just recognise the effects and the hypocrazy of our government with the laws against personal use - meanwhile we have endless access to alcohol which destroys the lives of millions each year.

Yep, prohibition eh?  :roll:  & you didn't even mention tobacco deaths.  :'(  :shock:

We've got medical mj here in Oreganja, Cali has it too (as well as several other states).  That being said, if you find any plant on this earth that is useful to you, from my view, it's your right. 
I would try to offer some helpful advice for those who would use smoke as the delivery mechanism - there are much better, less-harmful methods.  For example, vaporization:
QuoteVaporization is what occurs when the active medicinal constituents found in plants are heated to their boiling points, or vaporization temperature range, and release vapor containing the active constituents in a gaseous state. This vapor can be inhaled to deliver the actives via the tracheo-bronchial tree much like smoking or using a nebulizer, but without the harmful irritants and carcinogens found in smoke that results from combustion (as opposed to controlled heating) of the plant material and without the alcohol and preserved water that serves as a base for the nebulizer solutions. This is possible because the vaporization temperature range of the active constituents is significantly below their flash point and pyrrolytic temperature and that of the surrounding plant material, thus with an effective vaporization technique no combustion, or burning of the active constituents and the plant material they reside within takes place.


Quote from: beemaster on June 05, 2007, 05:24:51 PM
Let's see.... 8 grams is roughly a quarter ounce - that according to Cops on Fox-TV is a Philly Blunt.
We used to call it a one-finger nickle bag . . .   :lol:

-- Kris


Dane, now that is some interesting stuff about the vapourization of plants.  Wonder why more people don't do that instead of smoking stuff that surely wrecks your throat.  I hear my son-in-law every time he is smoking his stuff and it really makes me wonder.  I can tell when he is out the back toking up.  Loud and clear!!!!  Always get a chuckle out of that one, I always, and I mean every time, giggle, just a little bit.

A bag of flowers at a party, I am sure that everyone really wondered what on earth!!!!  Well, have the best and wonderful day, love this life we're all livin'.  Cindi

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Dane Bramage

Quote from: Cindi on June 06, 2007, 09:35:54 AM
Dane, now that is some interesting stuff about the vapourization of plants.  Wonder why more people don't do that instead of smoking stuff that surely wrecks your throat.

Tradition & the time it takes for new technologies to gain popularity.  Smoking wrecks your throat, lungs and heart (CO is a major contributing factor to heart disease).  That smoke is not especially healthy is common sense but there's also not a big commercial interest in extolling the virtues of vaporization.  Big Pharm has nothing to gain, and much to lose.  It's efficacy is so great that the herbal industry could also lose (much more efficient than teas, tinctures, etc., =  less herbs required).  There were also some missteps with the first vaporizers being crude and ineffective devices (tasted horrible, created a bad first impression).  Not to mention the general "taboo" mindset that prohibition creates stifles discussion and innovation.  All that being said, at the grass-roots level I can testify there is a massive level of support and interest.  It's all about harm-reduction.  Check out this site for what, imho, is the best (least expensive and most effective) product currently available.



Wild Dagga, I have some growing around here, it's currently in bloom

check out the vaults of erowid, I cant post the link because of spam restrictions
a little info from a reliable source, lots of reports from people that have tried it,
various means of consumption and a history of it's use... well worth the read