Is my hive to big?

Started by jdesq, June 06, 2007, 10:40:56 AM

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I have one hive that has more bees than I have ever seen before. So far i have 3 large supers and 4 medium supers on it. Should I keep adding or should I split this hive up?


Keep adding, or harvest and return the wets to be re-filled.  If you split the colony woul will reduce overall honey production.
Bee-sting Honey . . . So Good It Hurts.

Brian D. Bray

You've got a greater honey producer why split it now?  I would harvest some of the honey and put the wet supers back on the hive for the bees to clean up.  You could still several more supers of honey out of them.  Then if you want to split do it after a mid-August harvest and put the wet supers back on the split to feed it up for winter stores.  From mid-August to mid-October you still have time to build up each split with suficient stores to winter over.
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As long as they are storing honey, add-on. If it is getting too high, harvest a couple. My Easter swarm went to 7 high before I took any off. It's back up to 6.
My late March swarm was 3 deep to start, took on 3 more and two of those got harvested and 2 more added.
Those two made more honey, each, than any, each, of my overwintered colonies,