New Queens

Started by doak, June 06, 2007, 02:38:37 PM

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Going to pick up two tomorrow. Needed them 2 weeks ago. :roll:
One that superceded and the other????????. That one swarmed I think twice and left it Queenless.
No eggs, notta.
I am going to swarm it again and give drawn deep.
OH well.


YOU will have every thing you need bees boxes and queens dont sweat the small stuf.make it happen 8-)


Not sweating it, the OH well is just, that. I tried to do right twice by giving them eggs and brood.
Don't know if the birds got the queen on her mating flight or not.
I am going to run both colonies through an excluder, I find it easier to find the old queen that way.
I have a deep I harvested honey from couple weeks ago. The other is already deep and has a superceded queen but they are not up to snuff.
Wasen't last year, needs new stock.


to find queen i put a frame of brood from another colony and go back to it after a few minutes. and there she will be.this works for me.    very esay to requeen hot colonies that way. 8-)


Quote from: rdy-b on June 06, 2007, 08:31:50 PM
to find queen i put a frame of brood from another colony and go back to it after a few minutes. and there she will be.this works for me.    very esay to requeen hot colonies that way. 8-)

Why is the queen attracted to the brood?  Nice tip   :)
My Photos!

Takin' care of beesnus.


she is looking for fresh cells that have just hatched and been cleaned out for her to lay more eggs, and so-on. Also looking for the other queen that left her pheromone there. :roll:


yep its the pheromon that atracts the queen to search out the other like a charm ;)


uh also a good tip!
if you have "organized" hive, put in a frame of drone brood, that's where you'll find her...80% of inspections.


I would like to hear more about "organized hive" sounds like you have a plan of operation.please tell us more. 8-)