Started by beemaster, June 02, 2004, 06:54:36 AM

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Bee Rancher

Bee Rancher I think is obvious, since I am from TX.  The prob is trying to rope em when they get out of the area. Ha Ha.

Lechwe..  That animal is on the African 37 trophy list I believe.  I just got back off Safari in S.Africa.  What a trip.  Sorry...Began to ramble.  Just thought it was a cool name.

"Remember the Brotherhood"


I came from the mountains of colorado to alaska in 1978 from high desert to fall in alaska and have been trying to warmup ever since:)
vegetarian???  isn't green stuff for growing meat?
I'm now KL4GU general ham

Horns Pure Honey

I am just using the name on my honey labels. I like it, I used it. bye :D
Ryan Horn



Never be afraid to try something new.
Amateurs built the ark,
Professionals built the Titanic


What can I say, I am very proud of my Norwegian heritage!  :wink:

Anoint me with the honey of the bee,
that I may speak forceful speech among men.
(Rig Veda)


my name is just the place I live. A beautiful island in Denmark. The far far east. Under the cost of Sweden. The island is not big - there only lives 44.000 persons, but I think it is the most beautiful spot in Denmark. Or - Denmark is a very beautiful little land. Bornholm is a summer paradis and there is a lot of turists here every summer - even from the States. A lot of ships visit us every summer. You should try it. So long


I am a signmaker and a female. I had a small sign business in Myrtle Beach for a while, then moved back to Ohio where I grew up (what was I thinking?) SignQueen is my copyrighted logo. I was IseQuen online for years but then I got married (again). :roll:
Nothing exciting.
SouthWestern Ohio Beekeepers Association


Like others, I just used my initials; quick, easy, hard to forget.  I've got CRS disease, ya know.  Can't remember ........  "stuff".


My name comes from the movie Fried Green Tomatoes.
"Outside of a good book, a dog is a man's best friend: and inside a dog, it's too dark to read."  Groucho Marx


My name is Tim, and my last name is Vaughan  :lol:

QuoteAnd don't flame me on this. I do not defend or believe in the ideas of Nazism, but the german engineers of that time sure made some fabulous aircraft.

I also love that plane. Field Marshal Milch was head of it's development, and since he was half Jewish it's safe to say he didn't go overboard on the nazi racial theories.


Mine ?
Remember the TV Series Kung-Fu, remember Grasshopper ?
BeeHopper is based on the same principle, Grasshopper learns life's lessons from the kung-fu monks, with me it's the BEES !
The little guy on your left is the Jersey Devil, NJs famous folklore.Found him right here on this forum. :D


ummmm.. I don't know... just another mystery of life I guess


Interesting fact about the Jersey Devil (I'm at the very top of the Pinelands here) but the fact is my Mother and father were BOTH the 13th and last child in their Family - I remember hearing somewhere in the folk-lore that the 13th child of the 13th child bore the mark of the Jersey Devil. I do have his little Batman like birthmark on my left wrist hidden by my watch  :twisted:

True story!
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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I have a mid sized maple syrup operation and I have always produced syrup later than my nieghboring producers. They started calling my sugarbush"latewoods".This is the name I use online. When I joined this forum,latebee was a carryover of latewood.
The person who walks in another's tracks leaves NO footprints.


Quote from: beemasterInteresting fact about the Jersey Devil (I'm at the very top of the Pinelands here) but the fact is my Mother and father were BOTH the 13th and last child in their Family - I remember hearing somewhere in the folk-lore that the 13th child of the 13th child bore the mark of the Jersey Devil. I do have his little Batman like birthmark on my left wrist hidden by my watch  :twisted:

True story!

:shock:  :D


Just a short version of my first name.  Plus a little "caret" because someone else would already have my nick whenever I used to chat on IRC.

-- Kris^


Easy. I'm the wombat.
the wombat.
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle."
-St. Philo of Alexandria


After some of my family passing here at the house everything kinda slowed down here and my Grandmother (G i call her) asked if I would move back here to Texas from LA so I did she is 84 and still works and there is not alot to do here for jobs sake and I have always lived in the cities Memphis Tenn then Texas to California so not alot of experience in the whole secluded country life living but been here for 3 yrs now it has grown on me but at times I get bored I live 4 hrs from everywhere so going somewhere to visit is a trip for me LOL.
When I first got here noone here uses their address so none are poste everyone goes to the Post office in town POP. 230 but unfortunatly I recieve packages that require delivery to the house where everyone here pretty much has delivered to the post office or to the closest town to get things they need so I had to research on our address seems city hall nor the post office kept up with this vital info but hey it is a small town so I found out I live on County Road W house # 13755 so I use it as my e-mail address as well to remember it cause noone else here does LOL and it is easy to give to someone online order or the constant family or friend asking "whats your address?"  just saying it is my e-mail address.
:roll:  :roll:  LOL I work for an Internet company from home so that I can take care of the house and all at first I could not find work so I started baking for people, Then I picked up sewing quilts for families that had people in the nursing homes I G works at soon after I was given some chickens that a lady had let lose in another town and no one wanted them (Jack of all trades & wayward home for orphan animals) so now I raise chickens as well and sell the eggs and meat, After that I started helping people with things and taking in homeless animals (LIke a cartoon bunch here now ) but it comes and goes pretty steady now and then I learned about the Honey and beekeeping hey who am I to try something new it isnt like I need one more chore to keep buzzzzyyy LOL so I have been reading and found this site as well and still alot to learn so I now have 2 hives to start and the things to start but the processing aspect I need to get and my bees will be here on the 17th of this month (and the messed up part is I am afraid of bees but living here I have over come heights as I will soon learn to overcome bees as to).
Well I better stop for now going to read some and I am sure your tired of the Bio I have just wrote LOL. Oh also I PS I guess I raise fruits and veggies and beed rottwielers as well where shocked alot of people that everything here co exsist without killing eachother   :lol: [/img]

Beth Kirkley


You write like one of my friends talks. Sorta here and there and everywhere. :) You also sound like you have alittle of a life like mine - stray animals, love the critters, do a little crafting - what ever to keep busy and enjoy life. Do you ever take care of wild animals? - baby birds, squirrels, opposom?

You'll do fine with getting over the fear of bees. They'll fasinate you too much probably.

Welcome aboard.



I so get that alot that I write like I talk all over the place guess that is why I was did well in LA for promotions and PR I could talk to 8 different people with diff. conversations and keep up with them all LOL everyone says I have the gift of gab LOL my teachers told me later they were sorry for holding me back asking me to Shut up all those years in class LOL.

I am sure I will enjoy the bees as well I have tilled up parts of my yard for flowers and vines for them.  :wink:  But as for other wild animals no not yet bu I do plant way in the very back deer food plants for them to eat I actually like sitting in the A.M. drinking my coffee and watching them eat esp. in the light fog at times kinda cool.