Started by beemaster, June 02, 2004, 06:54:36 AM

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I was just looking at who was online with me at 4:30am est and it hit me that some member names are pretty obious, but others are interesting cryptic or just carry-overs from preferred chatroom names (I imagine) but I'm curious - why do you have the name you have here in the forums?

I've used Beemaster in one form or another for many years in chatrooms (the only one I really hung (hanged) out in was Yahoo Computer Lobby One - where I was beemasterdotcom since Beemaster was already taken.

I sheepishly tell you my first ever chat name (Beth knows this) it was Throbber (short for HEART THROB - I swear - lol) and that didn't last long, I had a young fellow "Borrow" that name and I got spammed a ton of email, etc.. So Throbber didn't last long.

So any way.... Just curious, why do you call yourself what you do here :)
NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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Good topic, I always wonder about how people came up with thier names. I use the same name for all my forms I frequent. Lechwe is an African antelope that is very unique and just plain interesting to me. Have always been fond of them. Not many people seem to know what it is and that adds a little to the allure.


Do I really have to expliain BigRog?

Ok for the Dallas Cowboy fans out there I guess I will

I'm 6"4" tall
My name is Roger
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


Blackbird is a name a always use when I can. Sometimes I have to use a number with it when some one else has balckbird already.
I also used to make hand bound books and sold them. My name for the books was Blackbird books.
Any way it all comes from a poem which is my favorite poem ever.
Give it a little read. Trust me, it is good even if you're not that much into poetry. You might just feel inspired. I hope.  :D

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

By Wallace Stevens

Among twenty snowy mountains,
The only moving thing
Was the eye of the blackbird.

I was of three minds,
Like a tree
In which there are three blackbirds.

The blackbird whirled in the autumn winds.
It was a small part of the pantomime.

A man and a woman
Are one
A man and a woman and a blackbird
Are one.

I do not know which to prefer,
The beauty of inflections
Or the beauty of  innuendoes,
The blackbird whistling
Or just after.

Icicles filled the long window
With barbaric glass
The shadow of the blackbird
Crossed it, to and fro.
The mood
Traced in the shadow
An indecipherable cause.

O thin men of Haddam,
Why do you imagine golden birds?
Do you not see how the blackbird
Walks around the feet
Of the women about you?

When the blackbird flew out of sight,
It marked the edge
Of one of many circles.

At the sight of blackbirds
Flying in a green light
Even the bawds of euphony
Would cry out sharply.

He rode over Connecticut
In a glass coach.
Once, a fear pierced him,
In that he mistook
The shadow of his equipage
For blackbirds.

The river is moving
The blackbird must be flying.

It was evening all afternoon.
It was snowing
And it was going to snow.
The blackbird sat
In the cedar-limbs.



Only thre ways to look at BigRog
Tall and fat
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


Well, in my case, I'm a combat aircraft lover.
So I decided to choose the designation of the first operational combat jet of mankind history as an ID, because I consider it a beautifull and amazing aircraft.
The Messerschmitt Me-262 was an important stepstone in aircraft development, and besides the fact that it was one of the aircraft of the evil Nazi, it remains as a great aeronautical engineering achievement.
And don't flame me on this. I do not defend or believe in the ideas of Nazism, but the german engineers of that time sure made some fabulous aircraft.




Quote from: BlackbirdMe262,
Love your avatar :)


That's Thornton, the polar bear, in the Sherman's Lagoon strip.

:P  :P  :P


i picked "beefree" as my name here as part of an ongoing bout of silliness between my husband and me.  we started out throwing around ideas for labels for honey jars, and it turned into a poke at some of the mindless "all things in nature must be good, and all things manmade must be bad" preaching we get from various members of our extended family.  (They are mad at me for giving up being a strict vegetarian for 10+ years in favor of flyfishing and hunting elk, deer, pheasant, chukar, and squirrel (hey, i make a mean squirrel paprikash).   Anyway, we thought up a label for BeeFree Honey...this honey was made by happy organic free range honeybees...cage free, hormone free, antibiotic free...etc etc
then we're going to give the family gift baskets with the honey in them for Christmas.  We'll be running a private pool to see how many of them get the joke, and how many congratulate us for our kindness to animals.  (I really do garden organically, they just don't see the consistency in my organic veggie garden, and fishing/hunting for the main course.
Those who are merciful to the cruel become callous to the meek.


Squirrel Paprikash

Sounds good to me
Why don't you post it at John's Cooking Site?
Here's a handy link to make it easy

Bet you find some good recipies there as well
I posted a great Venison stew recipe that would work well with ELK!
"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"


"Lurch my good man,…what did you mean when you said just now that 'You've got better things to do than run my petty little errands'…….?"

Beth Kirkley

Hey, not a problem Roger. It's good to advertise the other forums. :)



Mine is quite simple.  My first name is Rob, and my last name starts with O.

Unless I get in early,  Robo is usually taken.  When that happens, I go by sprntrcr (it is short for sprintracer, back in the days when 8 characters were the max), since I raced sprintcars.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

Beth Kirkley

I doubt anyone's having a problem figuring out why I picked my "nic". LOL If you are  :?  ...... then somethin' funny about that. :)

I should have gone with something original, but just couldn't think of anything. My usual nicknames are Christian oriented - Faithful Heart, Faithrts, srvntofGod, and some others I can't remember. But those just didn't seem fiting in a bee forum. I don't mean inappropriate, just out of place.

Oh well..... maybe one day I'll just shock ya' all and come in with a new face.


Queen Bee

Well, Mine is easy -Dh calls me QueenBee-- I am the Queen Bee around here... Deborah is my given name and it means "Curious Bee" or Bee and I love  the bees...


Mine like, robo's, is an abbreviation of my two names.  My first name is Eivind and my last name is Mork.  

And yeah, I know about that american TV series about the alien named Mork :-) My uncle used to be a professor in the US for many years, and allways made the students giggle when he told them his last name.



okay, THAT dates me, i'm sure...
Those who are merciful to the cruel become callous to the meek.


I choose mine because I am a member of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) and I like the Celtic culture. No im not a pagen.


I have a few monikers scattered across a fairly wide spectrum of the internet, all of which have one thing in common...they're all character names from favorite books read over the past 4 decades or so (counting only that time I can remember knowing how to read...)

'Saltheart' is a character name from the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, a fictional series I've read a few times, but not for 15 years or so. The character was a seafaring giant, longing to find a long lost homeland. For some reason, I came to detest the main character of the series, but felt an odd fellowship with this fellow. So, for no other particular reason, his name is my moniker here and there, along with others that I've actually had to start writing as to remember them...for I have, and always have had, a serious case of CRS.



This  screename is my most recent identy around beekeepers.   Leominster Bee Man,  It's kind of wordy but it does roll off the toung when you know how to pronounce my  town's name.... Lemon Stir.      I also go by KeaneMachine since Keane is my last name.  

It's a rainiy afternoon and i'm working from home now and bored out of my wits end and wanted to kill some time.