Started by beemaster, June 02, 2004, 06:54:36 AM

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Beth Kirkley

Watching the deer does sound nice. I was just asking about the wild animal thing because it's what I get to do every year - take care of baby wild animals. The last ones were 5 squirrels. That was a blast. They came to me with their eyes still closed, and I raised them on a bottle. At about 7 months old I released them in the wild.



Well, I didn't realize there was already a Queen Bee in the forum! I signed up right when I got to the website without browsing and didn't see Queen Bee was up there.

Actually, I thought I would just play on words and put the "b" first - then it looks like "bee queen" as well as "queen MT" - or altogether the queen bee of Montana.

The other motivation was seeing Queen Latifah on the Oprah show and gaining a whole new respect for her and her ability to call herself the Queen while only in high school, build an amazing music and acting career whild being a strong, self confident, intelligent and talented woman.  :!:
life is good in Big Sky Country


Firetool was my nicname in the fire acadimy. They started calling me this becouse nobody could drag a 4 inches charged hose like I could.

Lechwe I to know the antelope that you speeck of. If I ever get over to africa it is one of the anaimals that i would like to take. It is a very pretty aniamal.

do you do the reinactments to, the fighting. The SCA was at our movie theature at the release of a knights tale. I got to now some of them and they started teaching me some of the fighting. I could not stick with it though. It was to expensive for me. But it was fun getting bet up and getting to bet them of to( if they let me)



Well, after reading some of the histories of the nics here, I don't know if I can do justice as to why my name is the way it is....

AdmiralD is a leftover nicname from a friend of mine in college. I have used variants of it on the internet. You can see admiral, or admiral_d or Admiral or Admiral_D in various forums...

As for beekeeping, it is a hobby that I have been fasincated with for a long time. I have other hobbies that I would like to get into, like scuba diving...I am into gardening and camera. I have a digital so, I might get curious enough to take some pictures and display them on the net...

By trade, I am a respiratory Therapist. If you know what that is, chances are that you have COPD. If you don't know what COPD is, count yourself lucky and smart. You have never started smoking cigarettes/cigars/pipes and please, don't ever start.  If you do know what that is, then you have probably a respiratory therapist in your family of aquaintances. If you don't, you should.  And here I am...:)


greetings from northeast Connecticut.  I am so glad I found this website.  I have a whole pile of equipment that I wasn't sure how to use.  The eastern CT Beekeepers Association held a seminar at the uNIVERSITY OF CT and I met some really great people.  But you can't call them at 2:00 in the morning when you think of a question.

We have many pets including parrots.  Grey bird is in honor of our African Grey parrot.

thanks for all the info.  I am starting one hive this year ad the bees are cooming TOMORROW!  I'm so excited.  my husband and I are taking the day off - silly huh

Horns Pure Honey

I dont think that is silly, My mom said I could take of a day of school just to go pic up some new equipment, lol, bye :D
Ryan Horn


Well, Frog Pond is the name of my farm, so FrogPond seems to make sense as a nickname. You can see more about the farm at the web site...
Charles Fry, Amatuer Farmer & Entremanure
Frog Pond Acres   - - come by for a visit!


You never know what some yoyos are up to,
so I keep things somewhat on the down lo,
however, JP are the initials of my first & middle names,
and some people, a few, also call me JP.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website

Michael Bush

My website: en espanol:  auf deutsche:  em portugues:
My book:
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Joseph Clemens

<img src="" border=0
alt="Click for Marana, Arizona Forecast" height=50 width=150>

Joseph Clemens
Beekeeping since 1964
10+ years in Tucson, Arizona
12+ hives and 15+ nucs
No chemicals -- no treatments of any kind, EVER.


My last job I was a Quality Assurance Supervisor/Trainer with an airline call center.  Making sure folks that called were taken care of right by my folks.  I enjoyed helping them with their customer service, especially how to handle problems, bereavements, irrates and their own nerves.  This was really put to the test in 2001.  The number was my employee #.  My first job after medical retirement from the USAF.  I almost went with two of my life long names, lopear or daddywags.
Everyone said it couldn't be done. But he with a chuckle replied, "I won't be one to say it is so, until I give it a try."  So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin.  If he had a worry he hid it and he started to sing as he tackled that thing that couldn't be done, and he did it.  (unknown)


I think my nick-name can go under "obvious" but, I'll tell you anyway.  Everyone knows that Apis is the genus of honeybees but, the 629 is just for my b-day(6/29=June 29).


I chose swingbyte because I swing dance ( that american 1940s stuff) and work as an electronics/software engineer


I was an air traffic controller for 28 years.  Controllers initials were used to end landline conversations so that the callers could be identified on the tapes if there was an accident/incident.  My initials were TT which I would sometimes shorten to just T.  Once when I was asked what the T stood for I blurted out Tyrone.  It stuck.  Not too many know me by that now as it has been many years since I did any atc work and I use tzoom on some sites.  So that's my story........T


Chuck Berry was on the radio just then so 'Johnnybeesgoode' it is. I'm not sure if the forum is right to ask but I will.
I have been considering some bees and recently discovered I have a neighbor less than 1/4 mile away whom has hives out already... Will we wind up in Bee-Wars?  Will there bee any conflict beewise if I put a hive oer two back in my hollow? Umm? I'm in a national forest with 500 acres on the backside of my property,,,,,plenty of room for a few more bees I think.

Michael Bush

>I have been considering some bees and recently discovered I have a neighbor less than 1/4 mile away whom has hives out already... Will we wind up in Bee-Wars?

How many hives?  Two or three?  Ten or fiftenn?  If the two of you together have less than 25 then I don't think anyone will notice any difference in production.  Over that and you might depending on the available forage, rainfall etc.

If he's got severa hundred, you may as well put your bee somewhere else.

> Will there bee any conflict beewise if I put a hive oer two back in my hollow? Umm? I'm in a national forest with 500 acres on the backside of my property,,,,,plenty of room for a few more bees I think.

All bees forage for two miles extensively and occasionally more. So the 8,000 acres around you are going to be the pasture for your bees, and his.  That's why 25 hives seem to do fine most places.
My website: en espanol:  auf deutsche:  em portugues:
My book:
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin

Flower of Eden

I was given my name by a friend in an online book club several years ago and I have kept it.


My user name is the same in most forums I'm on (PDA, GPS, Pilates, guns, gardens).  It's a combination of my married name and my maiden name.

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

Click for Hanson, Massachusetts Forecast" border="0" height="150" width="256

redhot man


I own and work at a computer / networking / consulting company. Since I also live way out in the country, I sometimes get called the "High Tech Redneck".....        Hi-Tech
Computer Tech, Beekeeper, Hunter = Hi-Tech Redneck